Announcements and news from GoPro

GoPro Foris a Complete Solution for Municipalities

Our Municipality package, GoPro Foris provides complete solutions for municipalities. We offer integration with Í an automated process for receiving and sending documents from the system. Our ISO27001-certified solution ensures a secure environment, backup services, and hosting. Plus, our design emphasises user-friendliness.

The Case- and Document System GoPro Foris

GoPro Foris the Case- and Document System is a comprehensive solution for municipalities used by Reykjavik City, Reykjanesbær and Seltjarnarnes. These municipalities share a common focus on efficiency in case processing, where integration with O365 is crucial. Additionally, automated application reception and registration, integration with the National Registry for building permit handling, and regular and detailed meeting management are part of the municipalities’ needs. GoPro foris meets these robust integrations with the Office suite, document management and communication become simple and convenient.

The Municipal Solution GoPro Foris

Here’s an overview of the solutions that most municipalities need to help provide residents with digital services and simplify service processes:

  • The GoPro Foris Case and document system is integrated with Ísland. is. It handles both automated registration and reception of applications, as well as document sharing in mailboxes on Í
  • Our building delegate solution is integrated with the Housing and Construction Authority’s system for managing and registering building permits and other building-related activities.
  • My pages are for residents of the municipality where application and communications take place. These pages can be integrated with financial systems and other systems for information retrieval.
  • The GoPro Foris Meeting System is used for all meeting management and is connected to the case- and document system. It allows the creation of agenda items in the case system and scheduling them for meetings. The meeting report can also be directly uploaded to the website of the relevant municipality.
  • User interface for Record Managers for Digital Documents to the National Archives of Iceland. This interface offers an easier overview of a 5-year document retention period for the National Archives of Iceland or the Local Government Archives.
  • GoPro Foris System is built entirely on Microsoft Office templates and is highly integrated with O365. Notable it works well with Microsoft Teams and OneDrive.
  • With GoPro Foris, an Outlook Add-in accompanies the system, allowing users to directly file emails related to cases through Outlook.
  • Digital signatures for documents are directly managed within the system using third-party signing services (such as Dokobit or Taktikal).
  • Signet Transfer enables document sharing, particularly useful for welfare and child protection.

In addition, we also offer Contract Management System and Quality Management System, which are easy to integrate and share the same interface as the case and document management system.

A dashboard for visual representation of cases

We offer a dashboard with a visual representation of key performance indicators (KPIs) for monitoring case status. This makes it easier to get an overview and extract information from GoPro Foris. Popular dashboards we’ve set up allow tracking cases and their status. You can see which staff members are handling cases and projects, and identify if anyone has an excessive workload. Additionally, you can set time limits for cases and projects to gather even better data from the system. This helps distribute the workload within the local government and ensures the timely handling of cases.

Want to know more?

Please feel free to get in touch for more information. Let’s discuss the requirements for your case- and document system for you and your municipality. You can click here to fill out a form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

Information Security is a priority at GoPro

Information Security is vital

Fortunately, more people, businesses, and institutions are becoming increasingly aware of information security and the consequences of neglecting it. Most of us have personal and important information on our computers and phones that we wouldn’t want anyone to access. Additionally, many companies and institutions hold sensitive information about their customers. Customers need to trust companies and care about information security. Information security is vital for companies to maintain trust and credibility. If it fails, it is difficult for companies to recover and regain trust.

What is GoPro doing in information security?

Information security has always been a priority at GoPro and it has been one of the cornerstones of our software development. We follow a well-defined development process that is ISO 27001 certified and GoPro regularly conduct scans and tests and engage a third party to perform penetration testing and vulnerability testing. This is where we are constantly improving our security, and information security is a top priority for us.

Security in the System as a Service (Saas) at GoPro

The SaaS environment at GoPro is in an ISO 27001-certified hosting environment, and detailed measures are taken to ensure security in our system. Communication with Saas is done through IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems). This means that IDS acts as a security guard ensuring all communication is monitored for any suspicious activity, with specialists from GoPro responding if needed. All communication is also encrypted and only supported standards are allowed. We have a separation between all systems in the SaaS environment, meaning there are separate websites and operators for each system, as well as separate databases and connections for each system. We regularly take backups of all systems and test them.

Microsoft Entra ID authentication in Azure

GoPro customers can connect to our solutions using Entra ID authentication (formerly Azure AD authentication). This is a cloud solution from Microsoft that is set up in the Azure Cloud of customers and enhances information security. This solution increases security by adding an extra layer of security to the access. For example, with multi-factor authentication (MFA), messages are also sent to the phone. This makes it more difficult for unauthorized parties to access the system. It’s not enough to authenticate in one place, you also need a code. Additionally, access can be set up to be passwordless so there is no need to remember all passwords, and then, for example, the Microsoft Authenticator app on the user’s phone is used.

Most common cyber attacks

Phishing Attacks: Attacks where individuals are tricked into providing personal information, such as usernames or passwords, through fake websites or emails.

Password Attacks: Attacks where attempts are made to gain access to a system by guessing or breaking passwords.

SQL Injection Attacks: These attacks are usually targeted at the databases of websites. Hackers try to insert unauthorized code into the database to gain access or control data without permission.

Script Attacks: Attacks where attempts are made to run files or scripts on websites to damage them or steal information.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks: Attacks where dangerous scripts are inserted into web pages, which then run on the user’s computer when they view the page. XSS attacks are commonly used to steal user input or other information.

DDoS Attacks: Attacks where multiple computers are used to overload the web server and make it inaccessible. DDoS attacks often disrupt web servers, causing them to become very slow or non-functional.

Please contact us if you want to know more

Here at GoPro, we are always ready to discuss security issues, as we are passionate about it and want to ensure that our solutions meet information security standards. We also offer our customers to add Entra ID authentication to enhance security for user logins. Please contact us by clicking here.

Happy Holidays from GoPro!

Christmas Greetings from GoPro!

As the year comes to a close, we want to extend warm wishes to you. Thank you for being a valued customer of GoPro. We’ve had a remarkable year, and your support means a lot to us.

We’re thrilled to continue our partnership and strengthen our bond in the coming year. Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Best regards,

The GoPro Team

GoPro receives Strongest in Iceland award for 2023

GoPro has been awarded the Creditinfo Award for Outstanding Business in 2023.

This award recognizes companies that meet strict conditions in operations, transparency, equity ratio, and other factors that evaluate their performance. GoPro is proud to be one of only 55 companies to have received this award every year since it was first granted in 2010.

Winning this award is a great honor for GoPro, and it confirms the outstanding work of their staff, which is based on trusted customers.

Microsoft Teams and GoPro Foris

Companies and organizations are increasingly using Microsoft Teams for collaboration on projects and documents, both for internal and external projects and documents. It is important that the documents and decisions made in these Teams channels are documented in accordance with the rules of the National Archive for electronic record keeping in Organizations.

To address that a solution where it’s easy to connect Teams channels directly to Cases in GoPro Foris, which makes it easy for users to save documents and chats directly under Cases in GoPro Foris in an efficient way. The solution is based on an additional Add-In that is installed in Teams and connects Teams channel and GoPro Foris.

Record managers have had some concerns about this development of Teams usage in Organizations, as the documents need to be filed in the Case system, instead of ending up in various Teams areas.

The Teams integration in GoPro Foris is a convenient Add-In that solves this need and supports the National Archives requirements to Organizations.

Happy Holidays from GoPro

We at GoPro wish you a happy holiday with family and friends, full of peace, laughter, and love.

GoPro getting stronger with new investor

The private equity fund Horn IV, has purchased a 35% share in GoPro ltd, making Horn IV GoPro’s largest individual shareholder.

The new capital, resulting from this transaction, will be used to strengthen the company’s ability to fund new development and sales- and marketing, for international markets.

GoPro has been operating profitably for the past 18 years and is one of the few companies that has been on the Creditinfo’s exclusive “countries strongest” list for over 10 consecutive years.

„We are very pleased with Horns IV’s investment in GoPro. This investment is important for GoPro, it will accelerate our ability to invest in development of our cloud platform for domestic and international market.”

says Ólafur Daðason, GoPro CEO.

We are now working in close co-operation with some of our most forward-thinking customers to build new and exciting mission critical virtual solutions, a model that is benefitting both us and our customers. With increased ability to invest, we will be able to shorten time to market for those exiting solutions. The first solution is

Steinar Helgason, Horn IV
Berglind Halldórsdóttir,  Horn IV
Hermann Már Þórisson,  Horn IV
Ólafur Daðason, CEO GoPro
Helga Ingjaldsdóttir, CFO GoPro

GoPro achives the Cyber Essential Certification

We are happy to announce that GoPro has achived Cyber Essentials certification.

The Cyber Essential Sheme covers the core requirements for firewalls and Internet gateways, security configuration, user access controls, malware and patch management. Systems that fall within the scope of the Cyber Essentials Scheme include devices such as PCs, laptops and mobile devices, as well as email, Web and application services and Internet-based services.

The Cyber Essentials Scheme has been developed by UK government and industry in order to provide a sound foundation of cyber hygiene measures, in order to significantly reduce an organisation’s vulnerability and mitigate the risks from internet-based threats.

More about the Cyber Essential certification here.

Serious vulnerability in common software Log4j

A serious vulnerability been discovered in Log4J, a common software that is in general use. Log4j (CVE2021-44228) is an open-source Java logging library and is part of the Apache environment.

More information can be found here.

In accordance with Hugvit’s procedures (ISO 27001), Hugvit’s experts began to analyze the situation as soon as a notification was received to respond and find solutions with the aim of eliminating this threat.

At this point, there are no indications that updates to Hugvit’s GoPro Foris systems are needed due to these vulnerabilities, but if vulnerabilities are identified during further review, they will be addressed.

The risks associated with these security vulnerabilities will continue to be identified, including those who use other technologies (JAVA) and come up with updates or recommendations, if needed.

We are in good communication with our suppliers regarding this issue and will work on solutions in collaboration with them.

GoPro Foris Contract Management

Contract management and overview of contract lifecycle is crucial for every business. The GoPro Foris Contract Management solution gives a complete overview and control over contracts. The workflow for contracts is completed in GoPro Foris, when the signing is finished, the contracts are monitored during their lifetime. When the number of contracts increases, it becomes difficult to keep track of all the dates, actions, and decisions associated with each contract. The GoPro Foris Contract Solution is designed to solve this problem, sharpen the insight, and improve monitoring.

GoPro Foris Contract Solution manages contracts, the classification and storing them in a central system with the access control needed. The Contract Solution is designed to handle the financial obligations related to each contact.

Benefits of the GoPro Foris contract solution:
• Coordinated management of contracts, total overview of conclusions and follow-up
• Registration of guarantees, suppliers and signatories
• User friendly registration of standard contracts based on MS Office stylesheets
• Access controls that support different user access permissions

By registering financial responsibilities, amounts, stakeholders, and termination provisions users will have an end-to-end overview of all contracts in GoPro Foris. The contract solution provides effective management of interactions during the whole process of the contract during the contract period. Now there is also possible to add digital signatures to the contract that come in handy in the times of COVID.

Effective contract management results in improved operations and positive relationships with customers and partners. The contract Solution is easy to add to GoPro Foris case- and document management solution.

Contact us and get an introduction to the GoPro Foris Contract Solution.